P-06-1304 To review the emergency temporary housing policy which impacts our communities


This petition was submitted by Richard Grabham, having collected a total of 306 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

The community of Thomastown in Tonyrefail have suffered due to a B&B in the heart of their community being used by the local authority as emergency temporary accommodation. Although the local authority has maintained that the persons placed here are risk assessed, the community has suffered from anti social behaviour, threats, violence and drug dealing. The community feels let down by the local authority and would like a review of the procedures that are in place to stop this happening again.


Additional Information:

The local authority has placed homeless people there who have just been released from prison. The community has fought for many years for the council to stop using the B&B for ex prisoners. Local people have witnessed many incidents of anti social behaviour over the years, which deeply concern the community and impact negatively on their lives.

There is also no appropriate security in place and no support network for the residents.

The community does not want this to happen again and call for a full review on the procedures and policies of placing homeless people into emergency temporary accommodation in communities without the proper support being put in place to support the residents placed there by the local authority.


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Pontypridd

·         South Wales Central